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Sunday 18 October 2015

Tadaka and Subahu Vadh in Ramayan

Two lions of valorous manhood (Ram & Lakshman), Joyously followed the Sage (Vishwamitra) and cast out fear from him.
Fount of compassion and tranquil courage, creators and creations of the vast universe.
Eyes red-rimmed as the lotus, wide and strong chested.
Luminously blue as the lotus, supple and tall as the palm.
How lustrously the yellow becomes them! How well the mighty bows enhance their strong arms.
Shri Ram asked to Brahmarshi Vishwamitra, “Revered Guru, this fearsome place is impassable, and whose are these strange foot-prints?”
Vishwamitra replied to Ram, “Of demonness Tadaka.”
Shri Ram queried to Sage, “Tadaka!”
Guru Vishwamitra told, “Yes, She rules over this vast rocky wasteland and no being escapes with its life from here. Once upon a time, this area was prosperous and peopled. Kald and Karush were the two beautiful cities here. Sage Agastya cursed Tadaka, she became demonness and with her rampaging son Mareech, she destroyed the cities. She has the strength of a thousand elephants.”
Maharshi Vishwamitra further told to Shri Ram & Lakshman, “Be careful…This is Tadaka jungle, she must be hiding somewhere. She has great powers of illusion to take any form. So…be careful.”
Shri Ram give ‘Danush Tankar’ of his bow hence hearing that, Tadaka came in front of them.
Rishi Vishwamitra claimed, “Ram, She is Tadaka.”
Tadaka laughed very badly to them and start her illusion (Maya) but Vishwamitra told to Ram, “Don’t waste time, Ram. The sun is setting. These night creatures grow so powerful in the dark, they’re indestructible. I command you…Kill her.”
Ram revealed, “O’ Seer, my father commanded me to obey every order of yours. By your command, I shall now end this sinner’s life cycle.”
Ram immediately killed Tadaka with an arrow shot from his bow.
Divine Sage Vishwamitra congratulates Ram, “Blessed are you, Ram. May victory be yours. In all three worlds no one but you could have killed Tadaka. I’m now convinced. You’re on this earth only to do the world good. As you have pleased me greatly, I shall give you such divine weapons that in all three worlds, only I possess.”
Shri Ram repudiated, “By considering me worthy of your grace and bounty, you do great honour to this humble servant of yours.”
The Lord Ram & Lakshman came to the Ashram and gladly partook of the fruits & roots offered by the Sages.
In the hermitage, Sage trained the two brothers in use of divine weapons. So after that training, they were fully prepared to fight the demons.
Great Sage Vishwamitra said, “I do know, Ram. Vashishth has imparted to you the skills to make an unsurpassed warrior. But the powers I impart to you today are beyond the reach of Devatas too. Through worldly, heavenly and scientific research and spiritual power I possess divinely powerful weapons that I alone have. For aeons have I sought a man worthy of receiving them, one who will use my powers for the good of the world. I can see that in the future Aryan lands must be saved from demonic evil, and yours shall be the task. And at that time, you’ll need these divine weapons.”
A warrior must bear weapons but bearing of arms have their own rules. To protect the land, nation and any weak being, a valiant man must raise his weapons as Dharma. But arrogance and a desire to exhibit his strength should not lead him to make war or attack someone. It’s against a warrior’s Dharma.  For the knowledge I’m about to impart to you, I shall claim as the Guru’s due only this you shall not misuse them on any innocent being but where you see sin, injustice and oppression, use the weapons to kill the sinner and oppressor.
Lord Ram retorted to sage Vishwamitra, “Respected Sage! Now you may proceed with the performance of Yajnas without any fear.”
“May God bless you with long life, you shall be victorious, Ram.” Said the Sage and he got busy with the rituals, along with his fellow ascetics and hermits.
The news of Tadaka’s killing made both Mareech and Subahu mad with rage. They reached the Yajnas site to desecrate it. A usual they began throwing flesh and bones of dead animals in the sacred fire.
Ram at once shot an arrow which rotated above the sacred altar with such a speed that it formed an umbrella and the Rakshasas failed in their attempt to disturb the holy rituals of the Yajnas.
When Ram let loose the arrow from the bow-string, the demon Mareech was flung hundred miles away to be cast beyond the ocean.
Then Subahu was killed by Lakshman. The Yajnas were completed without any further disturbance.
“O’ sons of King Dasharath, by killing demons, you’ve made our mystic Ashram safe and tranquil. On behalf of the ascetics, I salute you two brothers.” Said Brahmarshi Vishwamitra.

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