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World's No. 1 Database of Lord Bajrang Bali Statues and Temples in India and Abroad on Internet Social Media Site.**Dy. Manager-Instrumentation at Archean Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd., Hajipir-Bhuj (Gujarat). Studied BE, Instrumentation and Control Engineering (First Class) at Govt. Engineering College, Gandhinagar affiliated to Gujarat University.**

Blog Archive

Friday 23 October 2015

हनुमत स्तवन_गोस्वामी तुलसीदास (in Hindi & English)

गोष्पदीकृतवारीशं मशकीकृतराक्षसम् ।
रामायणमहामालारत्नं वन्देऽनिलात्मजम् ॥
भावार्थ :- जिन्होंने महासमुद्रको गायके खुरके समान बना दिया तथा बड़े-बड़े राक्षसोको मच्छरकी तरह मसल डाला, उन रामायणरुपी महामालाके रत्न पवनपुत्र श्रीहनुमानजीकी मैं वन्दना करता हूँ I
Goshpadikrat Vaareesham Masakikrat Rakshasam,
Ramayan Mahamala Ratnam Vande Anil Atmajam.
Meaning :- Who made the king of sea look like the hoof of a cow, Who made the great demons look like mosquitoes, Who is the great jewel in the great garland of the story of Bhagwan Shri Ram, I pray to the son of wind (Shri Hanumanji).

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